Civil War “Confederate” Coin set


SKU: CW-Conf-Set Category:


Civil War confederate coin setThe election of Abraham Lincoln in Nov.of 1860 provoked the secession of the So.States from the Union. So. Carolina was the 1st to leave, by March of 1861, six other states followed including Miss, Fla., Alabama, La, Ga., & Texas, soon after that Va., Ark., & Tenn. followed. In April, the “First Shot of the Civil War” was fired on Ft. Sumter, after a day of bombing, Ft. Sumter surrendered to the Confederates where Jefferson Davis was their President. During the Civil War from 1861-65 there was very little coinage due to people hoarding Gold, silver, & copper coins.
5 Coins
Proudly Made in the USA. All Exact Replicas

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